From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

My castle in Ayr...

I could have entitled this blip ‘A pain in the neck’ as I certainly had one when I woke up this morning.

I seriously wondered if I had actually spent the night standing on my head. Very odd. Sadly stiff shoulders and stiff neck is the common problem most IT workers suffer from time to time. Believe me, we have a huge collection of neck and shoulder aches between the lot of us, all given weird names and treatments. Our old IT manager John (Frank’s manager too) told me one treatment he had was to lie on the edge of a bed with a heavy weight attached to his head, presumably to straighten things up a bit.

I decided to leave that kind of attempt until after work. What was today like work wise? It seemed to be all the schools wanting access to various things today which kept me out of mischief for most of the time. Jillian in HR wants to see me on Monday about an establishment report amendment and I warned her that I might not make it if the plane can’t take off from Glasgow on Saturday. The weather might be bad! I have to go on Saturday this time as I left it late booking and missed my preferred slot which was fully booked but as I’m back up here again a week later, it doesn’t matter. My dates have worked out a bit strange this year. No matter...

Anyway, I logged off gratefully after 4pm and looked dubiously out at the rapidly darkening skies. My neck and shoulders had eased up as the day went on, aided by a bit of shoulder jiggling in my seat. Seriously, rotating both shoulders at the same time and swinging your neck wildly from side to side does wonders! Just ignore the alarming click and a tendency to look like Quasimodo. It will wear off...

Anyway, I went out wrapped up in my coat with the hood tightly fastened and went off towards Greenan Castle. At the very least, I figured I could find a boulder and hang it around my neck while I lay on the edge of a cliff. I am kidding, slightly.

That’s it for today. The light was fading fast and it was getting cold. All the dog walkers had gone home and I only just made it back in time for tea.

Track? A bit of Rainbow today I think - Man On The Silver Mountain

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