Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Pirate Pink (the girlie version)

Miss Pink had a pirate day at school today. She's been so excited about it. It is all part of their underwater project that they have been doing this term. This week they have been watching Peter Pan as part of their literacy. When I helped on Monday afternoon, the children were all very excited about the topic. So Miss Pink wore her mummy made skirt and top, with Master Pink's old waistcoat and pirate scarf. She looked very cute and had the aaaaarrrrrrr nailed!

At school they did a treasure hunt with REAL treasure, "but it's in my tummy now so you can't see it". They made telescopes and pasta bling and gingerbread pirates. They also learnt some sea shanties and had a special pirates lunch.

This little pirate had a lovely day I think!

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