Life to the full75

By Lifetofull

Grey, grey

I love working with my Thame Soundabout group, the parents really get our approach and the children are wonderful, today our focus was chatting and we got so many sounds, signs and intentional vocalising. SO REWARDING then paperwork! How do you write about the excitement of a parent hearing their children vocalise stuff for first time!

Precious evening with treasured friends, love the fact that we can sit and share what God is doing in our hearts, air our frustrations and share life together.

Been reading about how the Israelites forgot the promise of God and turned to the fickleness of man... I am so blessed with so many wonderful, wise friends, the influence me greatly and I think that is right because God put them in my life but what I do need to remember is they are a precious gift from a loving God, who doesn't like to be second, and rightly so for who is there like my God.

Was listening to an amazing track on way home and want that to be my prayer tonight.

Our generation, can see a nation change for Your glory, turn us around, set us apart. Your liberation will see a nation change for Your Kingdom we cry "freedom"

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