B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Carpe Diem

Today was definitely a change from yesterday. We awoke this morning to bright sunshine, intensified by the reflection off the snow. Temps in the mid twenties and zero wind.

All of us had someplace to be this morning, but when we all came together at the house, we all had one thing in mind - carpe diem. The boys needed to check bait traps on the bog, and Kaylee and I wanted to walk the field. It was decided that we'd all meet on the bog.

Colby loves to ride the snowmobiles in the field, and lately - with BJ, along the bog while checking the traps. I had forgotten how beautiful our property is. The ice and bitterly cold temps have kept us from going far from the house.

It was fun to watch the kids in their "roles". Colby helping BJ checking the traps, selecting suitable bait to keep, and replacing the trap back in the hole. Kaylee has become a typical pre-teen and has taken great pride in her appearance and her actions. She talks about friends and school as we walk along, every now and then she stops to be silly - making snow angels or moonwalking in the snow.

I love how different they both are, unique in their own way - and how much I love them for it!

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