No artistic merit
I could have taken a nice photo today. Good light this afternoon after the morning showers, and then my neighbour, obviously having spotted I had washing on the line and all the windows open to air the house, set a bonfire off. Annoying as it is to get no warning, the smoke always makes for pretty photos.
Instead you'll get today's dose of my frustration with all things Apple. I have the fancy wifi mouse and keyboard. And very elegant they are too. Until you have to change the batteries (often). I have never had the mouse re-pair automatically. And how to achieve that manually without a mouse to click the right menu option???
Keyboard shortcuts only take you so far. It took me far enough for the daft machine to inform me confidently that a mouse was already attached. I beg to differ.
The only way I have found to sort it is to shut down and restart. Not convenient....
In other news, market day, with buttons, wool, cheese and bread filling my basket today.
Mr B has bought a car, and has managed to squeeze onto a ferry, seeing as the tunnel is suffering some kind of issue today. Still the ferry will not be without its problems in a Force 10 gale... They've just left port and he says people are screaming...
He will hopefully have not seen the rugby result, or he might be tempted to join in the screaming!
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