Sunrise again
I see I have not posted a sunrise picture for a while, so I cannot resist it. I was on holiday one time in Zanzibar and we got up each day at 5.45 to watch and photograph the sunrise, crazy thing to do when you are on holiday and supposed to relax! Fortunately these Icelandic sunrises are currently at a more respectable time, after 9 in the morning.
The sun was shining for a change today, and we went for a drive to Geysir, the erupting hot water spring that gave the modern geysers its name. They are talking about charging to visit it sometime in the future, so we thought we would go and see it while it is free, the last time we went was almost 2 years ago when one of my sisters visited. I love watching it explode, but my pictures were terrible, fortunately M took some nice ones and posted one here Geysir picture
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