What happens

4years 111days

.... when a 4year old chooses the fabric and the patterns for her trousers. I rather love them actually. She is going to have a sweet top to match them eventually.

She went through the night without breaking into a horrible fever for the first time in a few days. In fact, she made it to 430pm without calpol. She wanted to go to church and see her friends and cousins. But first she asked me to make a tshirt for her to wear with the trousers. A quick sewing project together and we were ready to go!

She had a fun in Sunday School, apparently she was quite bright and happy, but I think it took it out of her. By the time they came back into the service, she had reached the end of her tolerance. Unfortunately the service hadnt quite ended so we saw the end of the service from the children's toilets and left quite quickly. Stopping for her to claim a large lump of communion bread.

We went briefly into town as she had asked to go for a babyccino. She ate a (fairly small) jacket potato, cheese, beans, salad and barely stopped for breath. She perked up a lot! We stopped at the haberdashery for a couple of bits for her valentine's day outfit for nursery before we came home. We've had a quiet afternoon since then, all in all. She helped me cut out a dress (for Mummy!) and we watched a DVD together. After 4 years, she is finally enjoying Winnie the Pooh. She barely touched her tea and despite having a quiet day, my little love was asleep by 530.

PS the fabric is as bright as the image suggests!

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