Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Another Bath!

After last nights storm we seemed to get away lightly, a couple of trees down that I noticed, but the river Blythe hasn't yet burst it's banks.

But the fields and walks are muddy and each time we go walkies it ends up a bath time, sometimes I wonder if it's worse having a tiny hairy dog that's only a few inches off the mud or a large dog that wouldn't get its belly dirty.

The Storms are due again tomorrow and tomorrow I finally lay dad to rest with the scattering of his ashes.

My sisters wanted dad to be scattered up in Bolton Lancashire, the place of his birth, but dad moved to the midlands well over 50 years ago and as I'm a silhillian I wanted dad left to be by me, thankfully I got my wishes but knowing the joker that my dad was he will probably get blown straight back to the reebok stadium the home of his beloved Bolton Wanderers !!!

Stay safe and dry all.

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