wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Wash your troubles down the drain.....

This is the drain by my driveway. I know more excitement than I should be allowed to have. The other blip was of a little thing called the great gumdrop fiasco. Trust me it was too graphic to share.

Yesterday at work I had a gumdrop emergency. I wanted them NOW. I needed them NOW. I get this low feeling at about 1230 and I feel the need for sugar. Sometimes it's muffin. Sometimes I can face the craving and stare it down. Sometimes I push people out of the way........for gumdrops.

I slipped way from my desk and went to the gift shop. Reached out my hand to the hangy thingy and to my surprise There were none. None I tell you.
I asked the volunteer where they were. She advised me that they don't have gumdrops. They have never had gumdrops.
Seriously with that attitude she almost got slapped. I advised that indeed they DID have gumdrops and she was taking her life in her bitchy little hands and she said"oh you mean spice drops"
What is the matter with people?
I said OK you win may I please have some "spice drops?"
She said um...we are out.
This was a Monty Python sketch.
It was suggested by little Mary Poppins there that spearmint leaves or jellybeans are the same thing and rang up a bag of each. I walked back to my office in a daze and sat at my desk.
That woman is either on crack or WAY too heavily medicated.
They are not the same thing. They are not even related by marriage ( you know how you can always justify the stranger family members that way)

They had to be destroyed so no one else would fall for this diabolical trap.
Now I may have exaggerated this a little. But not much. I didn't destroy them I may have eaten a few. Ok more than a few.
So I am washing my craving for the gumdrops down the drain. (See how I tied that all together???)

Have a great night/morning!

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