Life to the full75

By Lifetofull

"Another string to my bow..." Or side to my SKOOG

A surprisingly fruitful day in the office. Actually made a start on the massive report I have to write and have been putting off.

But then my CEO, who clearly doesn't know me well enough gave me this new toy... It's a SKOOG a newly classified instrument, this is what the website says "From the moment you lay eyes on the Skoog you’ll want to play it. Whether you tap it, twist it, squeeze it or shake it, the Skoog senses your touch and the software cleverly interprets your every move to make beautiful sound."

And it's all true... In the tiny space between lessons this evening I got it out... Not sure how much report writing will get done.

Very proud of my 2 at parents eve, apparently they are both well behaved and work hard.

Music group at church this eve... It is good to sing God's praises... been talked into singing on Sunday. Then I don't know how it happened but HSW and I ended up in a pub.

Studies today continues to remind me that the Word is precious and I have to say that as I continue reading I love the way He is talking in my life. Thank you. Talking with my lovely friend S about living like I believe God and sang today "Will you let me answer prayer in you". Wow. Yes please.

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