My valentine

A couple of weeks ago, I had a different plan for today in mind. But as we all know, things don't always go to plan! Things didn't work out with Michael, so we amicably broke up earlier on this week.

Then I had a new plan, I was going to go for a run with my friend, Mark, after work tonight. But the weather in Edinburgh was horrendous - snow and icy sleet/rain. So we lost the plan too!

I'm now sat at home, with my wee man (who really doesn't like posing for photos), a bar of galaxy caramel and a Michael Fassbender film. I have wine too, but as I can't find the bottle opener, that plan has gone out of the window too.

Now excuse me while I go and ogle Mr F - I can think of much worse ways to spend the night...

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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