
I have had THE most amazing day. I went to play at a special Doc McStuffin event. We had to queue for ages, by that I do mean ages...2 hours but I thought it was worth it, mummy not so much. She gave me my lunch in the queue. So I was happy.

Once we got to the front of the queue we got to watch a bit of Doc, I danced to the tune and everyone thought it was funny. I played with the toys, got some sheets to colour in then I found the doctors case. Oh I was so excited. I was squealing and dancing, such good fun.

We then moved on to fix the big Teddy's ouches. He had a splinter, we got to dress up as a doc. We all had stethoscopes on and a clip board, I felt very special.

As soon as mummy put me in the car I fell asleep. I was snoring too. We came home to wake daddy up. Since we got home it has started snowing, mummy said if it lies we can play in it tomorrow.

I have had such a good day that I ended up in bed early. 6.40 pm to be exact. Daddy gave me my bath before he went to work. I am so glad . Fairies I am coming to get you, just wait until I tell you about my day! Night night.

P.S. I got 2 valentines cards, so that's 3 in total. 2 more than mummy he he

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