Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO


... is associated with a lot of superstition; warding off evil, deterring vermin and pests, and protection from wild beasts and bad fortune. Also useful for immortality and to increase passion.

I've Blipped it today because it was the only thing of interest in my garden on this rare sunny day!

Periwinkle Blue

In a corner solitary,
Smiling brightly at the sun,
A Periwinkle there does tarry,
For she is the only one.

She brightens up that little corner,
With her leaves of forest green.
And nobody dares disturb her,
But she never goes unseen.

Her sky blue flowers happily,
Beam at all the times of day.
And smile readily for all to see,
And all of those that come her way.

Periwinkle blue, no, she's not sad,
She's really happy as can be.
She's always bright, her heart is glad,
Beaming her big smiles at me.

~Juan Olivarez~

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