Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Wood u Believe it?

I had my hair done this morning, and by the time she had finished it was lunch time. We had a quick snack, and then i started cleaning some bedroom cupboards out. How on earth do we accumulate so much stuff we don't really need? Well once you start, it goes on and on, and by the middle of the afternoon i was blipless. We thought we would take a quick drive to Parc Slip as it isn't far, and as we pulled into the car park we saw this new badger sculpture. It must have taken quite a while to carve. They seem to be doing lots of projects there lately, which is really good as more people will visit. The highland cattle seem to drawing lots of visitors as well. We didn't go that far today as i wanted to get back and finish the cupboards. The weather has been better today and there have been lots of starlings and sparrows in the garden. I could hear the birds singing very early this morning which is a good sign that Spring is hopefully, just around the corner.

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