Another Ski-Jumper

This is a picture of Eddie the pelican at the end of his ski jump.

Why is he named Eddie? It goes all the way back to his grandparents. In 1988, they watched as England's first ski jumper came to the Olympic Games in Calgary. Eddie "the Eagle" Edwards. He didn't exactly soar...but he did display great courage and charisma. So, the grandparents (Edsel and Elberta) strongly suggested to their daughter Edna...that she name her son Eddie. Now you know.

Back to the picture. Look at that form. Text-book. Magnificent. Almost too good. Just like the danger in the real ski jump...Eddie waited too long to put on the put out the landing gear. Everyone heard him yell..."WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S THE END OF THE RAMP? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOWWWWW???"

I spared you the next shot of the sequence. Let's just say it wasn't pretty. Ungainly...undignified...awkward. But, I did add a few more of Eddie's competitors on my FLICKR PAGE. More birds, and a gorgeous sunset...a light-up-the-sky sunset.

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