
By Houseonahill6

The gold finch came winging my way

I've always wanted to attract goldfinches to the garden. I tried very hard when we lived in Hertfordshire and managed to get one or two occasionally on the niger seeds but now we live in the Highlands we have at least 6 visit everyday.They like the sunflower hearts luckily as they are less messy than the niger seeds.

The gold finch was in serious decline in the 70's/80's but are now making a come back probably due to the reduction in the use of herbicides
The sexes are very similar but the red on the males head extends behind the eyes.

The goldfinch is frequently seen in Renaissance art almost always in the hands of an infant Jesus .It is also said that the finch received it's red head from the blood of Jesus as it pulled thorns from the crown of thorns.

The Victorians also kept in cages as song birds for their beautiful plumage and their beautiful song. It is also possible to teach the finch to sing , there is an app you can download.

This little song is rather nice :)

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