
By briocarioca

Squirrel surprise

When the third pear in a row came plopping down the bank, I thought the parrots were raiding again. But no, it was around the same size, but brownish. Eventually, the binoculars identified it as a small squirrel. They’re very shy and we’ve never seen them anywhere near the house before - and not very often anywhere else. It wasn’t possible to get very close, but I managed to get quite a few shots of him enjoying his fruit plate. I wonder if the parrots know he’s invading their patch.

HH played nine holes of golf, I stayed home, did a little work, mucked around with some photos, and tried to clean up Kayla, who appears to have immersed herself in a clay bath. Combing, sluicing down and shampooing have barely improved the situation and it looks as if we’ll have to take the scissors to her.

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