
By briocarioca


At last managed to get some shots of my favourite humming bird - not the most colourful, but I find his buff and white costume very elegant. Maybe he'll get used to me if we spend the whole of Carnival week up here - just now he tends to jet in and out before I can lay hands on the camera.

Temperature and wind were actually cool this morning, I had to put on socks and a pullover! However, the threatened rain never came to anything and it was hot and muggy by the time we packed up to go down the hill. Took the dogs for a walk first, to ask the workmen why they had hacked down the pink bananas. Apparently they had to install a pipe to direct water into a machine or something and although that wasn't particularly near the banana plants, someone had to stand alongside to work it. The man who explained it to me was pleasant and seemed interested in the bananas - he also pointed out that the shoots would soon come up again. I've asked our caretaker (it would be an insult to gardeners to call him one) to go up there and dig out some young plants for us.

Not much enthusiasm for work today, but am beginning to enjoy using my new programme, which picks up terms I've used in previous translations.

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