Swings are back!!

Felt human again today which was a relief. An early night was just what I needed. Energy levels restored.

Sadly the Rightmove house we spent all yesterday fantasising about was sold this morning - guess that's the universe's way of telling us it wasn't to be!

Mum and Dad had Audrey for me so I trammed it to the city centre via Pret A Manager and set up camp at Angus's workplace with my laptop.

Was quite frustrating workwise as am waiting on lots of stuff from clients but it did mean that I could get all the little jobs done that normally get ignored.

Home and straight to the park with Audrey. Delighted to discover that swings are back in vogue with my 21 month old! She went off them for a while but now sits happily in there again and shouts "swwwwing" as I push her. I'm not going to lie, it was the highlight of my day.

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