
Squidge's latest obsession is floating in the bath. She just loves lying back and getting her head wet and says "Mummy look I'm a mermaid" which is pretty adorable. This was her tonight.

She had a great day at nursery (slept for two hours at lunch) and casually waved me off this morning (never happens). We have recently cottoned onto the fact that she is a control freak like her Mother. As long as you tell her what is going to happen and "appear" to give her some choices, she's happy. For example, this morning "We're going to nursery today" *she starts protesting* "Now which coat do you want to wear?" *immediately enjoys decision-making and forgets protesting*.

Deploying these strategies is exhausting though because it is literally every little thing with a toddler. It's like the G8 summit every time you leave the house, there has to be a negotiation and a consensus before you can even get your shoes on.

Had a good catch-up work day on Beech Road holed up in my favourite cafe today. Still haven't managed to get through everything but feel a bit better going into two days off with Squidge (tomorrow) and Angus (Thursday) knowing things are moving with both companies.

We decided on our corporate identity for the new company today and pushed the button on logo, website, business cards, emails etc. It is all feeling very real all of a sudden. The company is almost incorporated, we have a shareholder's agreement in draft and our key supplier is flying over from Estonia on Monday to meet with us in Manchester to hammer out a deal on pricing. Too late to go back now.....eek!!!

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