wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Do you see what I see?

It's amazing to me how people see things so differently.
I don't think of myself as really needy or in search of constant "atta girls" ha ha ha ha ha ha however, there are times when you take what you think is the absolute best shot in the world and no one likes it.
Then there are times when it's oh crap I'll just blip fingernail clippings and suddenly everyone thinks your talent is just well.. just magical.

I don't get it.
My family and friends are for the most part very supportive of my "little hobby"
However......... There is always one.
I have one.
You know she sees one of your photographs, asks if it is upside down And then says
"Oh isn't that nice."
She told me in a group of people that she just doesn't get my stuff. To her it's all blurry.
Seriously to HER it's all blurry.
how bitchy is that? Seriously?
It's funny how it takes just one comment like this to stick in the back of your mind.
Self doubt is a bear.
(I have already used bitch once and I am afraid I don't want to over use it. Because if this word wears out the way my mom always warned me it would. I am screwed.)
When I had a show of my photographs she was very supportive and when she didn't think I was listening she said..... I just don't get it. They have no definition. They are all blurry .
That's ok I drank her martini and told her someone else did.
I then ordered her one with a well vodka.
Don't mess with me I fight dirty.

So for a while when I took pictures I took about 6 shots of the same thing looking for the clearest shot. Stressing over each one wondering if everyone thought that way.
I would try not to ask too many times if it was clear .
My other friends thought I was losing it.
When I did this year's calendar ( I do them for friends and some family members. You can see the shots in my blipfolio under calendar shots.)
She saw it . She was amazed "you have really improved" she ooo ed and ahhd and "you are so much better"
I was really kind of pissed then I noticed.........and said
"Love your new glasses."
Then I smiled,"here let me get you a martini"

This is the dress of a sea angel someone made me once. It's made from an old fishing net.
I figure after yesterday's mermaid debacle, I need as much help on the water as possible. I have posted a full picture of it in the blipfolio. I will add the link. To this.
Ugh edit: I can't add a stupid link I may be able to below
Have a great night all. Or good day to those below.

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