Floor sliding

My Dad will see this and hopefully smile with fond memories of James and him having floor sliding races when James was a wee'un. Granny Annie used to claim it was Grandad Bonkers' way of getting the floor cleaned. Whatever, it made us laugh.

James waited for me to get home tonight, unsurprisingly. Long day. But made all the better for a conversation with my best boy and then some silliness on the floor. It IS filthy. But you know what, life is too short to fuss - I cleaned it on Saturday, half an hour later it was dirty. I have better things to do than perpetually clean the house.

Like editing all of the photos from tonight's school presentation evening.

And awaiting the imminent revenge blip from Fisherking...it's been coming since July.

As it happened, couldn't get the lighting right tonight for love nor money. Have ended up having to compensate with 800 ISO and flashgun bounced off ceiling. Results are OK but not as sharp as I would have liked, but it wasn't a studio and I had to make do. Frustrating. But I was well supported by colleagues which was nice.

Off to finish cropping extraneous backgrounds. Then bath. Will sleep tonight after reassurance from the Boss about lessons during imminent inspection. Had a mild panic attack. All OK now though.

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