twinned with trumpton


Easter Rrrrrrroad

A day on the bike; a joy. Cool, clear, sunny for the most part. Sure, it was breezy, but I had an unusually criss crossy sort of a journey today; I kept finding myself at the same junctions but coming at them from different ways.

Quiet morning and then a 'productive' lunch break doing some DIY, followed by a load of cycling, a load of visiting and last visit into the dark of evening before a mad 3.5 mile down hill break the speed limit cycle ride home.

Quiet evening (tired!), in preparation for busy day tomorrow; Ikea and then the subsequent work that ensues from the purchases....

I love the lines on Easter Road; and I loved the green on blue colour combination. Oh, and I never knew Lochend had a loch...dur!

That's worthy of a photo at the moment; all the pale yellows and purples of willows and birch, all submerged at the roots, it has the air of a flooded rain forest just now.

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