twinned with trumpton


The Long Good Wednesday

Office day; in before 8, in day light; no lights required on the bike. Springtime is upon us. Ish.

Busy morning dealing with inept colleagues, but lunchtime was joined by S and Nic (former colleagues) for a brisk stroll around Calton Hill; the initial pain up Jacob's Ladder is enormous but once onto Regent Road, the views kick in in direct contrast to the gradient easing off. Both admitted to never having been there in daylight and only ever having been there for the Beltane...

I want to go back and look at the Collective Gallery which has taken up temporary residence atop the hill, but time was tight today, so we kept moving, and this is the girls at the junction of Calton Road and New Street.

I spent the afternoon trying to make phone calls and send e mails to get visits planned but failed dismally.

I rushed home, nabbed the car and picked S and G up at John Lewis and headed for Ikea to buy G her new bed. We got it - heavy!! - and a couple of cushions and bits and bobs. It seems that you cannot escape Ikea without buying more than you came for.

Back to theirs, carted stuff upstairs - no mean feat! And spent the next four hours constructing the bed whilst G came in and made disparaging remarks and a quick respite in the form of turkey and ham pie that was delicious.

Got home at 1, knackered. Thankfully a home working day on Thursday, so I can roll out of bed, turn on the laptop and ease my weary limbs into action. But massively fulfilling day; the plans for the flat are coming along and good to see another big step forward taken.

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