twinned with trumpton


Peering across the Water

Odd day, everything felt out of sequence.

My plan was to spend time at home; after last weekend being spent elsewhere, and then no day at home, working, I missed out on the stuff I often get done in lunch hours or can do because there's no commute.

Coupled with boys more than I would usually have then and Friday play date, Saturday at folks, I feel as if I'd not been at home for ages.

So I needed to payback Monday's time off, hoover, cook, clean bathroom, tidy, sort laundry, change bed.

But she phoned around 9 saying her plan for the day was in tatters and she'd left the house. I listened, whilst typing reports and then hung up; system was slow so I stripped the bed, went back tried some more work, got a little done, more waiting so made the bed and as I did so I saw a 19 and just knew...?

So I unlocked the door and carried on working, and two minutes later, she came in... Went straight to bed with instructions to wake her in an hour and then we'd have brunch / coffee.

So I went back to work, did as bidden, and actually 90 minutes elapsed and I went through, 'woke' her and then we di breakfast for an hour; chatted, planned.

Then she left into a downpour, I carried on with work til mid afternoon, cleaned the bathroom and knew I had to get out. By now, it was brighter, fresher, warmer and I spent nearly two hours getting no more than half a mile away... That sort of a rummaging, poking about, looking, exploring....

Came home as darkness descended and brought washing in, put more on, and had a light supper and a glass of wine. Then got dragged into watching Bridesmaids which is probably 40 minutes too long, but a couple of genius characters and some spectacularly cringeworthy scenes.

Was in bed, still chatting intermittently until gone midnight.

The photo is of a couple who were busy taking photos of each other, presumably to post on a social networking media; and they were so obviously in love, or newly together, they kissed every time they swapped the camera as they took it in turns to snap away... I came over a bit Blue Velvet, invisible across the harbour entrance....

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