The Fishing Canadians

Question: How do you follow taking pictures of pretty models at the Ringling Museum? Answer: You get a shot of some successful fishing Canadians...THAT'S HOW!

The Canadians were from St Catherine...near Niagra Falls. I wanted to ask them why they took the best of the 2 waterfalls...but didn't.

They had a good day on the gulf...catching many fish. According to their captain Matt...they were mostly sheephead, snappers, and "grunts." I grunted my thanks to him for giving me the info.

It's nice that Matt not only takes them out fishing (for a price, of course), but also takes their picture, and cleans their fish. I did my good deed, and took their picture when they wanted Captain Matt in the shot (with 2 cameras and a cell phone.)

Swim over to my FLICKR PAGE to see their catch, and a few shorebird shots.

Pretty good follow-up, eh? Eh? Eh?

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