Messing about with dry shampoo

It's now just over a week since I hurt my hip I have had mobility issues it makes me realise that as a usually able bodied person just how many issues less able bodied people must have doing daily tasks.

Firstly stairs, normally these would not present an issue however on crutches they become a major obstacle, solved by moving a bed downstairs, it's like living in a bedsit.

Next carrying things, on two crutches I can't carry anything being a two crutch user, however I have overcome this by putting my food on a tray and flicking it across the floor, I'm fortunate enough to have solid wood floors in my house so the tray glides easily.

Getting to the loo, probably the less said about this the better, lets just say you have to plan in advance.

And finally for now, getting washed, I have perfected standing on one leg in my downstairs bathroom, but washing my hair is another issue, enter dry shampoo into the frame (and the inspiration for todays photo) this stuff is great but has the effect as seen above, we (me and A) thought it would be funny to post this, she's still laughing now as I type this up the day after we took it.

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