twinned with trumpton


Half Term #2

Had the boys on a play date with G all day; we picked her up at 9, and went to the supermarket; all three in a selfcontained gang, occasionally offering advice on what doughnuts to buy and biscuit preferences, but mostly the chatted and ran and generally annoyed the good shoppers of Straiton.

Ikea next; G wants / is getting a new bed. We were to look it at and I was to talk positively about it. Actually Tom did best by running dwon a flight of stairs towards it and doing a Fosbury Flop type jump into a mound of cushions. That pretty much sold it.

We eat there, typical kids meals, but all eaten, so...

Then Clambers for an hour thus ensuring 3 very tired children come bed time.

And we all piled back to G's, unloaded shopping, then picked G mum up from work, all back to the flat and I cooked a belated Xmas dinner type thing.

All wolfed down, no major drama, and Alex fell asleep before we'd even crossed Princes Street! Put him straight to bed, Tom I bathed and then read with him before I too collapsed under a book, then chatted long into the night with her.

This was the kids at the Commie Pool, all exhausted and rosy cheeked after their hour of mayhem.

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