Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Pancake Eve

Grandma was kind enough to get up with the wee man this morning, granting me a lay-in until about 9am. He was in a great mood again today too, which was good as we were able to Skype with Nikki in Australia. You should have seen his wee smile when he saw her face on the screen. He was so happy.

After his midday nap we called in to see a couple of my old school friends, and have a play with their kids kid's toys. Then on the way home we stopped off at the park, playing on the swings and slide. The fact that the wee man was wearing his friction-less snowsuit certainly helped him enjoy the slide!

The Red Arrows were out today too, practicing their air display routines with a few loop-the-loops and low flying maneuvers. I used to love watching them when I was a child and the wee man seems taken too. Who wouldn't? (well there was the one time when one crashed into a house near my school but we'll gloss over that...). Thankfully he's equally excited about cars, tractors, buses and motorbikes so there's a fair chance he may aspire to be a bus driver instead of an aeronautical display pilot.

It's an early blip today as we're about to sit down for pancakes before bathing the wee man and heading off back to Edinburgh. After doing the trip a number of times, driving through the night tends to be the least disruptive to the wee man. With a little luck we'll arrive around midnight and I'll do the quick switcheroo from car seat to cot. Fingers crossed.

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