Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Daddy day

The switcheroo worked well last night but the wee man woke up early again this morning and kept calling out for his Mummy. Spending the last couple of days at Grandma's house probably helped distract him from the fact that she wasn't here and I guess he associates his own house with where Mummy belongs.

Fortunately Mummy was on hand to have a quick Skype session - before she set off to Brisbane airport to embark on her long journey back to Edinburgh. It was lovely to laugh and giggle as a family for a few minutes, especially as the wee man has been grumpy today (I didn't know it at the time).

After wishing mum a safe trip home we jumped into the car and headed off to the Commonwealth pool for a little swim. The wee man was absolutely shattered by the time we finished so we laid down together for his midday nap. For whatever reason he just didn't want to sleep today, lasting just 20 minutes. Maybe it was the excitement of seeing Mum again, or maybe just one of those days...

He didn't handle his food too well today either - bringing up a bit of his breakfast and regurgitating most of his lunch.

I dosed him up on Calpol and took him for some fresh air, thinking that would send him gently to the land of the Zzzzzs. No joy. We walked all over town but still he fought his tiredness.

It's only just gone 6pm but he's already tucked up in bed. The poor man clearly wasn't himself today. I'd love to think he's 'parent-sick' but he was shivering at bath time and his nose has been streaming all afternoon. Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't last long!

Despite all that, he's still devoted to his potty. Unbelievable!

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