
By Raestelle

"In The Red" ...

...At least they give you a nice red cap to go with the snow-white gown .. and don't you feel so glamorous in the Real, with all these instructions and all..first thing in the morning when you're looking your very best..

...And the Medical staff so cheey and bright, to put one at ease - what would we do without them! ..

,,,And another 3 hours later I was wheeled off into the very clinical Theatre with my specialists there so cheery too, heavens I was treated like a queen there - and it was just for a cataract op..

...And an hour or so later I staggered out of the hospital with John helping me, and straight into bed where I;ve been all day, mostly asleep and in another World somewhere, gosh I must reacte to anaesthetic quite badly..

...Anyway, here's Estelle - looking her best, not at all apprehensive am I, I though, well, what I can see that is..

...Thankyou so much for your kindest of thoughts and prayers, so lovely you all are, I'm a strong little thing they tell me, I think I must be somehow..when you're 70 years old I guess you do gain a bit of strength and hopefully wisdom along life's journey..and as I said to John upon entering the hospital for the op: 'welcome to old age dearie'.. apparently we're pretty fortunate if we can escape one or two of these ops..

...I hope this typing is decipherable because I'm just typing by habit here!!!!...

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