Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Bardon Mill

This is the only pottery in this country that makes ceramic pipes. It was pretty cool to see them being made.

Basically, it starts out as gravel and gets squished and churned into this clay like mixture which gets even more blended into proper clay. Then, it gets squeezed like a sausage grinder and comes out which gets cut wedged into appropriate sizes which then are just used.

Then, I got to make a huge pot. A plant pot to be precise. It is majestic and it will be salt glazed when it's done which means it will be like a light brown colour with small bumps on like salt. Josh, my boyfriend, told me I should lick it and see if it tastes like salt. He doesn't realise that clay takes about 1000 years to finish.

Happy Blipping.

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