
By MamaOfBoys

Hidden beauty on a stormy day

It's raining. Hard. The forecast is for a significant amount more overnight along with gale force winds. There's 2 or 3 weather warnings in place.

I took Mar to school and we didn't get soaked luckily. Kanye went in the taxi to school so was safe and dry.

I went out with mum to run some errands and get out of the house after a rough few days with the boys.

I bought them new umbrellas. I got Harper and Kanye new onesies to wear to bed. I got groceries and a hot drink.

Mum helped with house work and unclogging our conservatory spouting which was blocked with lego! !!

Because our courtyard sunk a bit in the quakes it floods pretty quickly. So i went out and dug a trench in the garden to help drain some water away in preparation for tonight's downfall.

When I went to get Mar from school in rain that pelted and stung. I saw these wee flowers tucked away between a fence and a garage. Such beauty on such a ridiculously cold and rainy day.

Roast chicken for dinner and early bed for my boys tonight i think

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