Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Home time

The poor wee man had an awful night last night. Despite the Calpol and Ibuprofen, he coughed most of the night and woke up several times in hysterics.

In the end I warmed a bottle of milk, almost as a last resort. It certainly did the trick. He devoured all 200ml of it in about 30 seconds. The same bottle can take 10-15 minutes during the day. Sometimes several hours!

His forehead felt hot but his temperature was normal. I guess maybe his stomach was empty from his earlier vomiting, even though he had a decent dinner. Or maybe he's still missing his mum and he needed something to comfort himself? At least she comes home tonight!

Our friend Lynn kindly babysat the wee man this morning (unfortunately I've run out of holidays) and apparently he was real awkward bugger. I felt so sorry for them both as she tried pretty much everything to calm him down. I hope we haven't scared her away for good!

I finally got him down for his nap around 1pm and I plan to take him on a wander outside to catch up on a few chores this afternoon in anticipation of Nikki's return.

It's a super early today as I have to set off later on to pick Nikki up from the airport in Glasgow. Thankfully our friend Eoin has offered to babysit at 6pm. With a little luck, I'll get him down to bed before Eoin arrives, otherwise I fear it'll be a long night for the two of them.

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