Behind Bars

I met Catherine and Hannah at the park this morning. Hannah flitted from swings to slide and climbing is such fun when you are two. I stood astride the slide and she thought it was hilarious to whizz through my legs, she then jumped off and stood legs apart announcing that it was my turn...ha ha ha.

It is World Book Day tomorrow and this pic reminded me of the time I dressed up as the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I had prepared the children the day before as I didn't want to frighten them (much...mwhah ha ha) as my costume was pretty good. I had managed to get hold of a frock coat, a wig and a rather phallic nose. I think the sweets and lollipops I had hidden in my coat were popular as well. The nose was rather obscene though. I have had some fun costumes over the year I was Mrs Wobble The Waitress from the Alan Ahlberg books, I spent the whole day on roller skates...not easy when you are on playground duty ha ha ha.

The messiest costume was Jacob Marley from A Christmas Carol. I had my trusty frock coat, a grey wig and chains that dragged for metres behind me, I covered myself in talc and left a white trail where ever I went all day. During our lunch hour Sandra and I decided to walk into the village, she was dressed as the Phantom of the Opera and had a tape recorder playing the Phantom of the Opera on a continuous loop hidden under her cape. We got plenty of cars beeping but when we went into the newsagent the woman behind the counter didn't even bat an eyelid. Sandra spotted one of her neighbours and called out to her, the poor woman didn't know what to do. You could see the shock on her face as she tried to run...hilarious.

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