
By Houseonahill6

There was a mouse.....

There was a mouse in the garden today. Countryfiles also saw one in his garden the other day too.
He did nt seem to mind the little birds flying around him but did scamper if a blackbird or anything bigger appeared. It was fun watching him jumping and climbing up the wall. He sat on the peanut feeder and helped himself to a few nuts.

It was a lovely sunny day to start with but after we had our eyes tested the heavens opened and it poured. We popped into M and S and treated ourselves to a few treats. One of mine was a pot of Orkney prawn and crab which I had with a crispy piece of baguette when we got home.

I do nt like shops and was glad to get home. My legs are aching so I'm glad I have them up for a bit.

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