
By Houseonahill6

The Green finch and the linnet bird

This song title is from the musical Sweeney Todd. I have nt seen the musical or the film although we do have it on DVD.
We have never had a linnet in the garden either although plenty of greenfinches that seem to be recovering well after a disease caused by a parasite several years ago.
We have seen linnets in the field although again there was a fast decline the numbers in Scotland and Northern Ireland are on the increase.
Both the green finch, the linnet and the goldfinch were commonly kept in cages because of their song.
You can also see a male chaffinch and a male siskin waiting their turn.

Had an early start with a trip to the Puffin Pool. A lovely warm dip and then home through the wind and rain that quickly changed to sun and then to snow and hail.

My recipe for Gypsy Tart has appeared in Anne's Book 'Granny Anne's cakes and bakes' which she has published with recipes from members of the community and will raise funds for the Church Of Scotland. She's also running a 'Chocolate heaven' baking stall tomorrow with everything full of chocolate (hopefully no one is giving up chocolate for lent). I'm off on a Brownie Thinking Day event all day so wo nt be able to go :(

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