
4years 140days

New dress, new swing, new hair flowers, new season. Katie is certain spring is upon us. She refused to wear her coat on the way to nursery today. She said her hands were chilly, I suggested she wear her coat but she was refusing that plan!

I think Monday-itis may have hit her a little this morning - when she woke up, the first thing she did was bury herself back in the covers and say "I'm hiding". After a game of hide and seek, the prospect of wearing her new dress and a play in the garden before nursery soon encouraged her from bed.

I picked her up early from nursery today, just after lunch. I took her bike with me and she cycled to town. Thankfully we still have a spare helmet so she can use her bike but I wanted to replace her proper one which she was quite excited about. When we got home, she went straight out into the garden. She was playing with her "pretend friends". She talks to them, involves them in the games, although she acknowledges on her own that they're not real. It took some encouraging to get her in. Pizza tea helped. However she had to go back out to tell her friends that it was too dark to play and they had to come inside now.

Come bedtime I took her her upstairs and put her to bed. She asked for Stick Man as her bedtime story, but it was hiding in a different place to usual. In the time it took me to find it and go back to her, she had fallen to sleep.

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