twinned with trumpton


2nd Prize

Quiet morning, busy afternoon.

My tricky one of today rescheduled for tomorrow so that left me light for the morning. Hey ho, I did the three and took the laptop and did some work whilst at a city centre location.

Fabulous lentil soup for lunch, home made. But somehow nailed it.

Then a mad dash along the canal tow path to Wester Hailes, quick visit there and then wound my way back in, past the old work, now empty and lifeless (not that it was ever anything other than a dismal 70's hellhole)

And another gap, another no show, but sunny, little wind and a road bike under me. Loads of miles, easy paced. And I can feel the sun on my face now as it tightens...

Stopped for a brief cuppa with her; all stressed and depressed. Glimmers of light but there's been a couple of days of gloom. :-(

Back out, through the Meadows and it looked like summer, loads of people sitting in the sun, chatting, chilling, hanging.

Mad dash down to Leith (actually its one of my favourite runs from the High St / Bridges down to the Walk (was headed for Lorne St). And loads of Cigs tags; so much so I know exactly where to go for tomorrow's, the next day's the day after.....

After last visit, I picked up Tom at min kickers and walked home with home (I'm not doing school run this week as MIL is in town from darkest Devon, then home for much needed rehydration in the form of tea.

Stellar sunset over the gas works, and now I'm cooking new potatoes for dinner at hers later. Tuna steaks with pear / fennel / watercress salad and sauté new potatoes. And shiraz, obv.

Yeah, I feel energised after a couple of directionless days. The power of cycling in sunshine, eh?

The photo? I was rushing to Wester Hailes and didn't have time to take the shot I wanted and by the time I got back the sun had shifted and the angles weren't as good. Still, it's the shot I wanted, but an hour too late. Tollcross Health Centre is under surveillance...!

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