twinned with trumpton


Jerked awake at 10 to 8, the after midnight return home meaning I was flat out....

Actually, I need to blip the clock I always see on the way home that reminds me at midnight, 1 am, 2 am, that I have work in a matter of a few hours..... But one for the future.

Sunny, bright, but I grabbed the laptop, logged in and back to bed to read up n my case for lunchtime - a VIP / complaint, so I need to be thorough. I made some notes, made some coffee, made to get dressed but didn't. Filled in visit logs, made porridge. Made a phone call. Made it into the shower eventually.

Left around 11 on the road bike, just a shirt and still chilly, but it made me cycle harder. Had a couple of bizarre cycle rage experiences - a 4x4 Volvo swore at me as I overtook a bus taking on passengers - I was still on my side of the white line, but he was across it as there was a parked car on HIS side of the road. Er - and it's my right of way on my side of the white line....?

Closely followed by a van that ran a red as I was walking over a pedestrian crossing, he gestured to half apologise, half blame the van in front for not going faster this making him go through the light on red. Flawed flawed logic at work there....

Then an hour of being apologetic and demur and sympathetic but also presenting the party line with no real conviction. Something like
'How dare you take back money you paid us'
'You weren't entitled to it'
'But you paid it to me'
'Yeah in error, cos you never told us you now get double the income'
'So I have to pay it back because I never told you?'
'That's disgusting'
'I'm sorry you feel that way, but...'

Stopped at Drumbrae library on the way home, scoured the dvd section and left with a couple; loved the mish mash of lines outside and love how I managed to get my bike in the shot too...

Then lentils from yellow supermarker, harissa from blue supermarket and home to do some work for the afternoon. Mostly looking for work and have found enough to keep me occupied for the next three weeks or so.

Then out at dusk, walked the breakwater, lovely fading light, but razor sharp wind cutting through me - OK, maybe shorts was optimistic, but... Green supermarket for wine and another crazy driver; tried to overtake me despite me being constantly 3-5 yards of the car in front bumper. So incensed I e mailed his employer.

And home, gnocchi with spinach, gorgonzola, toasted walnuts and a slug of bread and butter to wipe the plate with.

Good long chat with Tom, can't wait to see him Friday.

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