Heading West

There's a fair bit of 'friendly' banter between Edinburgh and Glasgow.

People from Edinburgh refer to Glaswegians as Soap-dodgers, and Weegies (obviously!), whereas those from the West say that Edinburgh folk are not known for their hospitality ("You'll have had yer tea then") , and that SEX is something ladies from Morningside have their Coal delivered in.

The weather is dramatically different - Cold and dry for Edinburgh, Warm and Wet for Glasgow.

If you want a good pub crawl - you will hanker for a night out in Edinburgh, but if you want to go dancing - then Glasgow is your haunt.

Glasgow had it's 'City of culture' and the 'Glasgow Garden Festival', Edinburgh - the 'Fringe' and 'International Festival'.

I am very fortunate - I live and work in Auld Reekie, but grew up and love the Dear Green Place.

I'm sure there will always be some rivalry, but there are more good things coming out of Edinburgh than just the Glasgow train! Here are some happy commuters heading for the M8 artery.

Which ONLY leaves one question:

Salt and Sauce......or Salt and Vinegar !????

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