at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Sun sun sun

Glorious weather today in Ullapool! Here is Ivy sitting in the garden in her sunhat- which is far too big for her as I didn't think she'd need it until the summer. Going to order a smaller one tonight- as I keep telling her she's too peelywally for sunlight :)

Went to the playgroup in the village hall for the first time this morning- really going to miss stuff like that if I do go back to work. Ivy impressed everyone with her leapfrogging/crawling.

After playgroup we went and had a nosey round the house Elseanne, Don and Elena are going to move to in the village in the summer. I was pathetically impressed by the fact it has central heating and space in the kitchen for the fridge. And then coffee in the sunshine outside the ceilidh place.

When Euan came home at lunch we ate in the garden, and when he went back to school I didn't want to go inside the house because it seemed like a waste of good sunshine, so I weeded the front bed with Ivy strapped to my back. My war on dandelions continues!

This evening we went to a garden party to celebrate the 5th birthday of Ivy's friend Finlay. Finlay is great with Ivy and shows her super exciting toys such as a Jacob's ladder. The cake was artic themed at Finlay's request, and had seals popping their heads out of the icing- I was super impressed- last themed cake I made was a total disaster (a settlers of Catan themed cake for Euan's last birthday, it was so bad there's not even any photographic evidence of it- and I tend to photograph everything!)

Also as an aside, because I like to use this blipblog to mark Ivy's milestones, she did her first poo in the toilet tonight! (sorry if you're reading this in the future Ivy and i'm embarassing you- but at least i've not shared any photos of your poo face... ) Before you get too impressed, Euan was just sort of holding her over the bowl. Is one less nappy to wash though :)

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