Morning by the lake

I woke with a sore and stiff neck, but thought that maybe the muscles just needed to settle after everything had been put right by the chiropractor yesterday, so I decided to give it a few days and hope it would get better.

I took the boys for a walk and went to Pedersborg, where I met with Sabine, who is the head of a home for mentally handicapped there. We had some work to do together. After an hour I had to accept that my neck was still not ok, so I rang the chiropractor and got another appointment for this afternoon.

I took the boys for a city walk in Slagelse before I went to see the chiropractor, which was good as they would not have had an afternoon walk otherwise! The chiropractor put my neck right and then told me to rest for the rest of the day. It was not an easy job for her to loosen the muscles enough to put everything right and the sound of creaking bones in my neck was worrying! Fingers crossed that all is ok now. She said it will be sore for a while, but she does believe that whatever was stuck has been sorted.

I have the best chiropractor in the world. When I first started having back and neck problems, saw someone here in Sorø, but she wasn’t good and ended up making my neck and back worse than it was. After a couple of months, when I felt really bad after seeing the old one, my friend told me to ring this lady in Slagelse, who should be really good. I did and she has really helped me. She is nice and gentle and so good at what she does. I saw her quite often at first, but now I only need her about 4 times a year. So it is a longer drive than the one I saw it Sorø, but it is so worth it!

The dogs have been fed and I have too. Time to sit down and look after my sore shoulders and neck.

This is from our morning walk by the lake.

Academia Sorana.
Enjoying the sun.

See you tomorrow… Wooohoooo it’s weekend tomorrow :-)
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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