Small Tortoiseshell

One of the Butterflies that is classed as being in decline is the Small Tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae. Today they were out in force in the garden and more than I can remember ever seeing. Now feeling exceedingly guilty about cutting all the nettles down in the extra land I was given. Without nettles they can't exist as their caterpillars feed exclusively them. Eherm... there are plenty in the borders for them just now.

Most of the day has been spent in the garden and pulling ragwort the paddock. I've almost finished fencing off a patch under the fruit trees so the sheep can get some shade if when it gets hot. It will hopefully serve to catch them easily when required. Even the tamest of sheep can mind read!

Off now to prepare a few things for a night meet with the group tomorrow. It should be fun as those that are coming have never done any night photography before. Hopefully, there will be shots of the moon, moon lit scenery and some spark images. Now, where did I put the safety goggles?

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