0804 to Leeds


"I work for a company who finds employment for disabled people. They found work for me, that's how I got to know them"
"Is it a satisfying job?"
"Immensely, if we can find the right position it can transform someones life"
"What's been the hardest obstacle to finding a job for someone?"
"Most companies aren't willing to entertain the idea of employing a disabled person, they just see the barriers they'll have to face."

This is Harland, and he was dressed in a very unique and different style. Notice the pocket watch, cane (both a style statement and a functional item), waistcoat and hat.

"Where do you get your style influences from?" I asked him.
"It started when I was at University, it just sort of came about and I've just carried it on since."

As the excerpt describes, Harland works for an agency which works to employ less abled individuals. He told me he enjoyed the social aspect of the job, talking with people to identify and develop their abilities in the marketplace. It sounded like a fulfilling job, but he also described how difficult it was with an especially high turnover of staff. Although I can't relate, I can imagine it must be very difficult for disabled people to find sustainable employment, or even a career. It certainly gave me something to think about...

Thanks for all your comments, have a great weekend!

Humans of Leeds

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