My Best Efforts - Year 3


Backblip - for 13.3.14.......

..........Anni and I are on our way on a flying visit to Scotland - one of Anni's missions where she was able to smuggle me along.

It was a gorgeous day after early morning fog - the sun came out and stayed out all day. We were - after staying on the A1 for quite a while - able to turn East and travel the rest of the way along the Coast road. The lighthouse at Whitley Bay looked beautiful - so here it is for you to see too.

Having completed the first part of the task, we headed slightly North to our overnight stay at Queensferry - a really great old Hostelry. Supersized room - merely yards from the Forth Rail Bridge which was beautifully lit when it got dark - and a great meal. We were presented with a supersized breakfast the next morning- - cooked by a Chef who obviously loved his job.

A lovely break for me though a long two days for Anni !!

She is off on Monday morning for a Blipmeet in the States - and is becoming increasingly excited about it - I hope she has a super time - am sure she will.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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