A Bridal Shower

My son’s best friend is getting married next month and today was the bridal shower for his fiancé. When I had received the invitation it asked that if anyone would like to dress in keeping with the theme of the shower to do so. The theme was Housewives of the 40’s and 50’s. I wore my pearls, black dress and went a little heavy on the lipstick. Some of the women really went all out though. Some of the dresses, hats and even white gloves were amazing. It was fun to see everyone all done up so nicely.
The arrangements on the tables were great with each table having a slightly different centerpiece. The food was delicious and the bride to be received many nice gifts. In keeping with tradition, as the bride to be unwrapped her gifts, the ribbons and bows were taken and placed on a hat that she would wear at the end of the shower. I though the woman who put the hat together did a great job and decided to use the picture of the finished hat on the bride to be as my blip today.

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