Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

The Colour of Life

A couple of days ago...well on the on the 7th of March to be precise - I first took a shot of the pussy willow that my wife had brought into the house to bring a bit of colour.

Now at the time it was nice, but I was promised that some beautiful yellows would appear from the heads that at the moment of the first image, were just grey.

A week has passed, and now the yellow has appeared..almost taking me by surprise - so busy with other things that I failed to notice the small but subtle changes that the flowering plant had taken. And as it is with busyness, things can go un-noticed until we are confronted with the reality of that change - sometimes in a good way, sometimes not.

Back on the 13th of this month, a good friend directed me to her webpage - "this may be of interest to you" was the posting - and so I looked, but not close enough, first to the message received and then to the website itself.....

....."very nice" I thought which was in turn passed back to the sender of the message - "look again" came the reply and it was then, I discovered that included in the page was the journey she was on...a journey with cancer.

At first I was saddened for her, but I was also angry with myself - angry that I had not truely taken into account of the message that she was passing on to me - that I had missed the small detail that meant so much.

I - as we all can do at times - share something with others that may be painful or a message that we want others to pick up on. Sometimes this can be missed whether it is because, our recipient is too busy - or maybe they chose not to hear.

But I want to learn to listen, to learn to pick up on those subtle messages that others may pass on to me - learn to see the small things that really matter, learn to live again!

And for my good friend that this "musings" relates to - may you know healing and may you know that in future I will learn to listen and may you always know the colour that radiates thru your life to many people......

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