A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

I love fennel

I don't love poorly children. Ooh, that sounds wrong, I am a tough nurse but not that mean...I don't love the children being poorly. That sounds better. J has been worse and better and now worse again today. His temperature is steadily creeping up and nothing seems to be discouraging it from doing so and he has had only brief respite from his headache.

I have done nothing to encourage him as I have had to carry on with as normal as possible a working day so I know he is really ill as I haven't had a single complaint of being bored.

Meanwhile his sister is almost flaunting her good health and has just finished a marathon Spanish lesson as she had the time for both of them combined - more than an hour and I think she would have gone longer.

Later we have a potential Peri replacement coming to meet us so I hope J will be able to at least wave at him from afar. It's a little tough as we have been so spoiled and none of us believe there is such a thing as a Peri replacement but we must be practical and childcare is needed soon before our system starts to crack.

I do hope photographing vegetables is not an early warning sign.

Lesley x

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