Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Angry swan

We had another productive day today. We utilised the car for a trip to IKEA and a run out to asda.

I've also reached my 8 weeks after my food intolerance testing which means I get to start reintroducing things to my diet and seeing how I feel. I was supposed to start on the things least likely to give a reaction (spinach, mushrooms etc) but with Christmas coming up I decided to start with the most important: Dairy! So for three days, I get to eat as much dairy as I can. I'm allowed milk, cream, cakes, garlic bread, naan breads, ice cream, chocolate etc mmmmmmmmm! Then it's back off them for 4 days to see how I feel. Unfortunately I'm already feeling queasy and my chest is tight, not a goods sign but I will persist in munching through the Ben and Jerry's for the next two days, just to be sure!

I was really disappointed this morning though, I'm so used to soya milk that I couldn't drink my tea with normal milk.

We got parked by the canal after our shopping trip so I took advantage. I did get a few nice shots that were better in focus than this, but to be honest, I'll always be able to take in focus shots of ducks and swans. Angry swans trying to peck people's toes? Well I won't get that every day.

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